Ways to Give
Are you looking for ways to get involved with your community?
Our mission is to support research to find a cure for hereditary vision disorders. As such, raising the money needed to fund the research is our greatest need. Take a look below and see how you can get involved.

Search to determine if your employer will double your donation!
Matching gifts are donations made by companies to match gifts to eligible nonprofits from their employees.
Don’t leave money for social good on the table! Take advantage of your employee match program this year and every year.
Make a one-time or reoccurring donation and help us find a cure.
Have you checked if your employer offers donation matching? You may be able to increase and/or double your personal donation with matching funds from your employer. Check with your company’s Human Resources Department to see if your employer offers a Matching Gifts Program.

Join the VOC Young Adult Philanthropy Initiative!
Support The Vision of Children Foundation Through Your Everyday Shopping!
We’re excited to introduce an amazing opportunity to support The Vision of Children Foundation simply by continuing to shop, dine, and live your everyday life! At no additional cost to you, these new programs allow a percentage of your regular spending at major retailers, restaurants, and grocery stores to be donated to help us reach our mission of finding a cure for childhood blindness and vision disorders.
Shop at over 1,000 participating retailers, and a percentage of your purchases will go directly to support our cause!
Walmart’s Sparkgood
If you shop at Walmart, you can donate change by rounding up your purchase at checkout on Walmart.com
Ralph's Community Contribution Program
If you shop at Ralphs, you can link your Ralphs rewards Card to our organization.
Hungry Friend
HungryFriend allows you to donate to The Vision of Children Foundation by dining at participating restaurants.
Give CFC
A workplace giving program available to federal employees, retirees, and postal workers to make charitable donations.
Help us fundraise with Facebook!
Did you know the average Facebook Fundraiser raises at least $200?
With a Facebook Fundraiser, you can raise money directly on Facebook to help The Vision of Children Foundation find a cure for hereditary blindness and vision disorders.
Donation Campaigns
Other Ways to Give
We accept donations via cash, checks (made payable to The Vision of Children Foundation), ACH deposits, and credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express). Donations can be mailed to 12555 High Bluff Drive, Suite 330, San Diego, CA 92130. Secure online donations can be made via an electronic ACH payment or with a debit or credit card on our donation page.
Recurring monthly donations are a great option for people looking to automatically give a set amount each month. If you would like to sign up for a recurring monthly donation, please click here and select the box that says “recurring”.
Please consider The Vision of Children Foundation in your Estate Planning
Types of gifts accepted
Choosing the right planned gift depends on your personal circumstances and financial goals
You may make a bequest or gift through your estate by including a provision in your will or living trust, or by naming The Vision of Children Foundation as a beneficiary of a retirement plan or life insurance policy. The amount left can be expressed as a dollar amount or as a percentage of the assets to be given.
Learn more about Legacy Giving Here
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable Remainder Unitrusts
Charitable Remainder Annuity Trusts
Pooled Income Funds
Charitable Lead Trusts
A charitable lead trust makes an annual payment to the VOC for a period of years, and at the end of the term, the remaining assets go to your children or other beneficiary.
Vision of Children is now accepting Gifts of Stock. If you’re interested in making this type of donation, please contact us today at (858) 314-7927 or at keegan@visionofchildren.org.
We are always in need of volunteers to help with a variety of activities and events. For more information, contact us at (858) 314-7927 or at keegan@visionofchildren.org.
Do you have a car or vehicle that you want to get rid of and want to donate to a charity you love? CARS makes donating your car easy. They take care of everything from the pick-up and sale, to sending the donated proceeds to the designated nonprofit, and sending you the donation receipt and necessary tax documents. Click here to donate a vehicle.

Every big or small action helps advance the cause.
You can help ensure children with hereditary vision disorders have the support and the tools that they need to learn, grow, and look forward to a brighter future.