Filming our first #VOCVisionHero video with Jeremy Poincenot
We were so glad to spend the last Friday in April impacting lives in the class room and on the golf course with Jeremy Poincenot, VOC Vision Hero and Ambassador. In the morning, Jeremy spoke to a school assembly of about 80 children at Cardiff Elementary School. The kids were beaming with questions at the end of Jeremy's inspirational message, and it was fascinating to see them learning about the challenges of low vision by interacting with Jeremy. The film crew from FortyOneTwenty was on site, with state-of-the-art equipment to capture every moment.
In the afternoon, we visited Morgan Run Club & Resort in Rancho Santa Fe. The film crew interviewed Jeremy, and afterwards filmed him hitting a few balls on the golf course with his dad. It truly is incredible to see Jeremy and his dad work together as a team, and we can't wait to share Jeremy's story with children and teachers everywhere. Be ready in the near future for the release of our first video in the VOC Vision Hero series!
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